Why connect with your Inner Feminine essence? For me it was an important part of becoming more grounded, hold compassionate boundaries for myself and others and develop my inner understanding and love.
I found connecting with nature, learning to journey and to hold ceremony was a profound way of connecting to my sacred feminine and begin to heal and understand her. Over the years I have held circles and healings for women wanting to explore their relationship with this part of themselves that is not just about being soft and gentle, it can be fierce, loving and with strong boundaries. Sometimes it has involved growing a relationship with the No aspect of ourselves as well as celebrating the Yes aspect.
In everyday life it has helped me find and compassionately assert my boundaries, respect my own energy and through that deepen my respect for others. Exploring my feminine energy has lead me to take more time to nurture myself, mentally, physically and emotionally. This has enabled me to work from a more balanced place, meaning my actions come from a place, not tugged by guilt and expectation but rather lead by love and insight.
It has also resulted in a shift in personal expression, before I would be overly concerned about what people thought or supressed by the desire of meeting others expectations. By being more in touch with my compassionate feminine energy found I began to speak from a place of grounded insight, loving empathy and ok about being silent at times. The silence might be for me to reflect as well as giving others space to pause.
Methods for unlocking this energy have usually involved being in and with nature, journeying with the drum, working with plants (non psychedelic) and diving into the archetypes through goddess work and art work.
Primarily this work of awakening the inner feminine is expressed through:
- Holding monthly Red Tent Circles,
- Leading Red Tent Initiation Ceremonies,
- Leading Moon Mother Meditations Groups on Worldwide Womb Blessing days,
- Channelling Womb Blessings and Attunements in line with Moon Mother practices.
- Seasonal Goddess days with art and journeying.
If any of this calls or you would like to understand it further please just message through Info@blueroseholisticcounselling.com.